Introducing our stunning 25 Rose bouquet, the "Ramo Buchon," perfect for any special occasion or simply to brighten someone's day. This extravagant bouquet features 25 fresh roses in a variety of vibrant colors, carefully arranged and hand-tied with love. Each bouquet is elegantly wrapped in premium paper, adding an extra touch of luxury to this already magnificent gift. For a personal touch, be sure to explore our optional add ons such as a personalized banner, a crown, or a plush animal. Spoil your loved one with this lavish bouquet and let them know how much they mean to you.
If there is a specific color or style that you would like and is not shown, please call our shop at 615-900-1207. We also can fit a budget to your needs.
25 Fresh Rose Bouquet “Ramo Buchon”
See our "add on" section to add to your arrangements such as
princess crown
Plush Cow
Plush Stitch & Angel
Personalized Ribbon